Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College
  Extra-Curricular Activities

Physical Education Council / शारीरिक शिक्षा परिषद

The college provides opportunities to play sports like Cricket, Volly Ball, Batminton, Hockey. In addition, participation in Athletics is also encouraged. The Physical Education Council, which consists of the members of the staff Advisory Committee, and the team captains arrange and organise the sports activities. Facilities are provided in the huge home playgrounds. A number of trophies have been set up to encourage active participation in sports. The Physical Education Council also helps students in participating  for inter-colleges sports organised by other colleges and university

National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) / राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना (एन.एस.एस.)

 The aim of the National Service Scheme is to promote among students the spirit service to followmen. Social service, adult education, free medical ais to the poor and rural uplift are some of the important programmes under the scheme. The college has two units of NSS with a membership of 200 students.

The students who registered with NSS has to complete (120 + 120 hours) social srevices in two academic years under this scheme. Its compulsory to participate atleast four single day and one of ten days social srvice activities. NSS certificates bear weightage while taking admissions to B.Ed. class.

Rovers And Rangers Team / रोवर्स एवं रेंजर्स दल

 In the college, there is a rover crew and ranger team engaged in developing the feeling of team-work, capicity of planning management and their overall developmnet. In each team 24 boys/girls are taken.
Rover crew consist of girls and ranger team consist of boys of aged between 18 to 25 years. The selection of the students is done by the concerned officer through a selection procedure. The Rovers/Rangers are given weightage in the adission to higher classes.

Annual Function / वार्षिकोत्सव

Every year the Annual Function of the college is organised. District and College repute joins the event. At this event prize distribution is done by the college for various activities and achievments like sports, athelatics and cultural, etc.

College Magazine / महाविद्यालय पत्रिका

 The college also publish a magazine 'Manisha / मनीषा', which highlights current students, alumni, staff members and current happenings around campus. The college mafgazine is ordinary punlished once in a year. It contains poems, stories, reserach eassy, comments, songs, memories realted to college, students, faculties and the universe. The principal is the final authority in all matters concerning the college magazine.He has the power to order or withhold publication, to include or reject matters without assignning any reason, if in his discretion, such steps are considered necessary.

Convocation / दीक्षान्त समारोह

 Convocation is the event to distribute the prize and appreciate the students who has achived good in their academic year.

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